
Green Innovation – Sustainable Future

Sustainability as Our Foundation, Innovation as Our Drive

As global attention to sustainability grows, PropCap recognises that businesses, regardless of size, have a significant impact on the economy, environment, and society. From the very beginning, we have actively pursued our vision and commitment to sustainability, demonstrating to stakeholders our confidence in long-term growth. As we expand our business, we integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into every decision. Our goal is not only to lead in the FinTech and mortgage lending industry, but also to become a company that creates positive impacts on both society and the environment.

PropCap ESG Report 2024

ISO 27001

We have successfully obtained international standard certification, ensuring the highest level of customer privacy, data handling, and security under a rigorous and precise monitoring system.

Green Mortgage Deal

With 15 successful green mortgage transactions completed, we continue to drive our mission forward, benefiting more borrowers and engaging more investors in green projects since the launch of our Green Mortgage program.

Giving Back to the Community

This year, we contributed a total of 52 volunteer hours, and through our participation in HKUST's mentorship program and offering internship opportunities, we continue to support youth development.

PropCap records each of the topics that we are concerned about and actively practice in the Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) issues. This allows us to effectively enhance our ESG performance.

Our Core ESG Topics

Comply with Law & Regulation

Our business involves cross-border financing, adhering to international standards related to the laws and regulations of different countries, as well as AML and CTF. We continually monitor and review regulations to ensure that our operations remain within the compliance framework.

Customer Privacy & Data Security

For the protection of customer privacy and security, we have a responsibility to comply with stringent data protection laws, emphasize employee ethics, and promote data protection awareness. Through ongoing risk assessments, encrypted operations, regular security audits, and providing relevant training to our staff, we mitigate potential risks. We ensure secure cross-border data transfers with customer consent and prevent unauthorized access.

Green Financing

We encourage overseas property purchasers to consider local energy efficiency standards when choosing a property. This promotes the flow of funds into low-carbon and green property projects. We are committed to innovatively creating green financial opportunities, raising awareness among investors about environmental protection, and jointly building a better community environment.

Giving back to the Community &
Youth Empowerment

Actively promoting a culture of volunteerism and caring for the needs of the community. The team also values youth development by organising youth exchange and sharing activities, as well as offering internship opportunities to nurture the next generation.”